Direct naar inhoud

To submit a request to access or update your personal information, complete the Request personal information form (‘Verzoek persoonsgegevens’) on Mijn UWV. You will need a DigiD account or an electronic ID (eiD) to do this.

To check which information UWV has about you, log onto Mijn UWV and go to your Inloggen Werkmap. Here, you will find your annual income statement (jaaropgaven), your pay statements and an overview of your employment history and payslip information. These documents contain a lot of the personal information UWV has about you.

You have a right to ask us to delete your personal information. You can do this by using the same ‘Request personal information form’. Keep in mind that in most cases, we will refuse such a request. This is because we are obliged to keep hold of your data to comply with legislation and to carry out our duties as a government agency.

We will confirm that we have received your request within 5 days of you submitting it. We will do our best to process your request within 1 month. If we are not able to respond within this time, we will let you know. You will hear from us within 3 months’ time at the very latest.

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