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    The 2 types of WIA benefit: the WGA and the IVA benefit

    The WIA aims to provide financial support to people, based on their different capacities for work. It offers 2 main benefits: the WGA benefit and the IVA benefit. The specific benefit you might be entitled to depends on your fitness for work and whether you are able to do some work or none at all.

    The WGA benefit

    This benefit is intended for individuals who can still work to some extent, either now or in the future. 

    Keep in mind that receiving a WGA benefit means you will be expected to return to work eventually, even if for limited hours. The process of returning to work is your responsibility, but we are here to help you. We will create a return-to-work plan with you that meets your needs. It is important that you stick to the agreements in this plan, as not doing so could impact your benefit.

    Salary-linked benefit

    If you qualify for a WGA benefit, you will usually receive a salary-linked benefit (‘loongerelateerde uitkering’) first. This a temporary benefit that can last anywhere from 3 months to 2 years, depending on your employment history.

    Initially, for the first 2 months, you will receive 75% of your average monthly WIA income (‘WIA-maandloon). This will then drop to 70% from the third month onwards. Your average monthly WIA income is calculated by dividing your covered earnings, from before you became unfit for work, by 12 (the number of months in the year). If you work while receiving this benefit, your total income will be higher as you will be allowed to keep a percentage of what you earn.

    Should you still be unfit for work by the time this benefit ends, you will qualify for either an income top-up benefit (‘loonaanvullingsuitkering’) or an earning capacity incentive benefit (‘vervolguitkering’).

    Income top-up benefit

    You will be entitled to an income top-up benefit when your salary-linked benefit ends if 1 of the following situations applies to you:

    • You cannot work at all due to your illness or occupational disability but will be able to work in the future. 
    • You are able to work to some degree and are earning at least 50% of what the occupational disability employment counsellor (‘arbeidsdeskundige’) thinks you should be earning.

    You will receive the same amount on this benefit as you did on the salary-linked benefit, and potentially more if you start working. If your situation remains unchanged, you will be entitled to this benefit until you reach the state pension age (‘AOW-leeftijd’).

    Earning capacity incentive benefit

    It is important to return to work, if you are able to, by the time your salary-linked benefit ends. Otherwise, if by that time you are not earning at least 50% of what the counsellor believes you should be, you will receive the earning capacity incentive benefit. This will lead to a significant drop in your income, as this benefit is based on a percentage of the national minimum wage instead of your previous salary.

    Keep in mind if your earnings increase to at least 50% of what the counsellor believes you should be earning, you will probably qualify for an income top-up benefit. However, if nothing changes in your situation, you will continue to receive an earning capacity incentive benefit until you reach the state pension age.

    The IVA benefit

    This benefit is meant for people whose ability to work is severely limited, making it almost impossible for them to work either now or in the future.

    If you qualify for this benefit, we will not expect you to return to work. This means you will be entitled to 75% of your average monthly WIA income until you reach the state pension age, provided nothing in your circumstances changes.

    However, if you would like to return to work, even if for a few hours each week, we are here to assist you. Or, if you prefer, you can explore your options independently of us. Just make sure that if you do find work, you let us know by completing the Change of circumstances form.

    Your obligations while receiving a WGA or IVA benefit

    • You must ensure the information you give us is accurate. 
    • You must inform us of a change in your circumstances within 1 week of that change occurring. 
    • You must report any changes in your health
    • You are expected to attend all appointments you have with us.
    • You are expected to attend any evaluations you have with the UWV physician or the occupational disability employment counsellor. 
    • You must follow the medical advice given by your doctor or specialist. 
    • You must keep all benefit-related documents for at least 2 years, preferably longer.

    Additional obligations while receiving a WGA benefit

    • You must stick to the agreements made in your return-to-work plan. 
    • You must do everything you can to find suitable work that meets the earnings expectation set by your counsellor. 
    • You must do your best to remain in work once you have found a suitable job.

    Your rights while receiving a WGA or IVA benefit

    • You have the right to bring someone along with you to your appointments with us. 
    • You have the right to submit a request for a re-evaluation if you feel your health has gotten worse or has improved. 
    • You have the right to keep receiving your benefit if you move to an EU/EEA country, Switzerland or a country that has a reciprocal social security agreement with the Netherlands (‘verdragsland’). 
    • You have the right to object if you do not agree with a decision we have made.

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