To inform us of any changes, use the Change of circumstances form for those receiving an occupational disability benefit (‘Doorgeven wijzigingen als u een WIA-, WAO-, WAZ- of Wajong-uitkering heeft’). You will need a DigiD account to do this.

You must inform us of the following types of changes to your personal situation, work or income:

  • changes to your personal information (for example: your address or bank account number)
  • changes to your employment contract (for example: starting or ending a contract with an employer, working more or fewer hours)
  • changes in your situation as a self-employed person (for example: becoming self-employed or ending your self-employment)
  • changes in your situation as a volunteer (for example: volunteering more or fewer hours or volunteering for a different organisation)
  • changes in your situation as a student or intern
  • changes that will affect your UWV top-up benefit

If you are living abroad and need to report a change, complete the Change of circumstances form for those receiving an occupational disability abroad (‘Doorgeven wijzigingen buitenland bij arbeidsongeschiktheidsuitkering’).

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