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Reporting a change of circumstances on an occupational disability benefit

You must inform us of any change in your circumstances if you are receiving an occupational disability benefit (‘arbeidsongeschiktheidsuitkering’). This is important as a change in your circumstances could affect your ability to work and therefore your benefit. Make sure you inform us of a change in your circumstances within 1 week of that change occurring.

To inform us of any changes, use the Change of circumstances form for those receiving an occupational disability benefit (‘Doorgeven wijzigingen als u een WIA-, WAO-, WAZ- of Wajong-uitkering heeft’). You will need a DigiD account to do this.

You must inform us of the following types of changes to your personal situation, work or income:

  • changes to your personal information (for example: your address or bank account number)
  • changes to your employment contract (for example: starting or ending a contract with an employer, working more or fewer hours)
  • changes in your situation as a self-employed person (for example: becoming self-employed or ending your self-employment)
  • changes in your situation as a volunteer (for example: volunteering more or fewer hours or volunteering for a different organisation)
  • changes in your situation as a student or intern
  • changes that will affect your UWV top-up benefit

If you are living abroad and need to report a change, complete the Change of circumstances form for those receiving an occupational disability abroad (‘Doorgeven wijzigingen buitenland bij arbeidsongeschiktheidsuitkering’).

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