Protected earnings rate
If you owe us money, we will deduct a fixed amount from your income until your debt has been repaid. But, not all of your income can be claimed as you need to keep a certain amount to cover your living expenses. The amount you are allowed to keep is called the protected earnings rate (‘beslagvrije voet’).
Why do we have a protected earnings rate?
The protected earnings rate is the minimum you need to cover your living expenses. It helps us figure out how much you will be able to pay back each month if you owe money. It is used in various situations such as when you have defaulted on a debt, received too much money from us or need to agree on a payment plan with us.
How do we calculate the protected earnings rate?
The protected earnings rate varies per person. It depends on a person’s situation and income. We calculate the protected earnings rate by using the information we have in our records. We also use information from the municipal personal records database (BRP) and the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration.
Check your protected earnings rate overview
We will send you an overview that explains how your protected earnings rate was calculated. It is important that you check this overview. Otherwise you might receive a lower amount than you are entitled to. If you spot a mistake in the overview, change your information for the protected earnings rate (‘Aanpassen gegevens voor berekening beslagvrije voet’). You will need a DigiD account or an electronic ID (eiD) to do this.
Please note: Your protected earnings rate must be factored in whenever deductions are made from your income to pay off a debt. This is true even if you default on a debt with another organisation. If a creditor does not take your protected earnings rate into account or if they have made a mistake, you should contact them as soon as possible.
To find out more about the protected earnings rate in general, visit the government website page on this topic.