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    Reporting a change of circumstances when receiving disability support

    You must inform UWV of a change in your circumstances if you or your child are receiving UWV support for a disability. This is important as a change in your circumstances can affect what you are entitled to. Make sure you inform us of a change in your circumstances within 1 week of that change occurring.

    How to report a change of circumstances

    To inform UWV of a change that might affect your disability support, complete the change of circumstances form for those receiving disability support (‘Doorgeven wijzigingen als u een voorziening ontvangt’). You will need a DigiD account or an electronic ID (eiD) to do this.

    Please note: If you are receiving a benefit from UWV, do not use this form to report a change that might affect that benefit. Instead, use the ‘Change of circumstances’ form for the particular benefit you are receiving.

    What kind of changes should you report to UWV

    You must report the following types of changes to UWV:

    • if your employment contract is renewed
    • if your work/school/university address changes
    • if the number of days you commute to work/school changes
    • if you will be working more or fewer hours
    • if you get a new job or start a new study programme
    • if you leave your job or study programme
    • if you think you will need more or fewer hours with your job coach
    • if your bank account number, telephone number or email address changes
    • if you move
    • if you are self-employed and your household income changes
    • if you will not be commuting to work/school for a period lasting longer than 10 days

    Please note: It is important that you report these types of changes to UWV as they could affect the support you receive for goods and services such as:

    • transport to work/school
    • support workers
    • interpreters
    • specialist equipment

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