Reporting a change of circumstances on an unemployment benefit
It is important that the information we have about you is correct. If something changes in your situation, you must inform us of this. A change of circumstances could affect how much unemployment benefit you are entitled to and for how long.
How to report a change
Changes you should report
Some examples of the types of changes you should report include the following:
- finding a new job
- working more or fewer hours
- going on holiday (report this at least 1 day before your departure)
- changing your personal information (for example, your telephone or bank account number)
Unsure about a change?
If you are unsure about whether to report a change, please do not hesitate to call us.
If you are living abroad
If you are living abroad and receiving an UWV unemployment benefit, use the Change of circumstances form for those living abroad. If you are planning to move abroad temporarily, call us for advice.