The person's benefit will stop the day after their death. The next of kin must report the death to the local council ('de gemeente') as soon as possible. We will be notified so you do not need to contact us. Unless you live abroad. In that case, you do need to notify us directly via Contact UWV. We will decide whether you qualify for a bereavement support payment. If you do, you will receive a letter from us.
To qualify for a bereavement support payment, the deceased must have been receiving an UWV benefit. In addition, the following criteria must be met:
- You were the person’s partner.
- If there is no partner, you are the person’s minor child.
- If there is no partner and there are no minor children, you are a family member who is registered with the local council at the same address.
You are a partner if you were married to the deceased, or were the equivalent of married, had children together, were previously married or shared household expenses.
Please note: If you are younger than 18 years of age your legal guardian (‘wettelijk vertegenwoordiger’) will need to complete this online form.
You will receive a letter from us including a link to a form where you can apply for the payment online. It is important that you apply as soon as possible after receiving the letter.
To apply, complete the online form Bereavement support payment request (in Dutch) ('Aanvraag overlijdensuitkering'). You will need to log onto Mijn UWV using your DigiD account.
Please note: Only complete the online form if you have received a letter from us with a link to the form.
If you did not receive a letter with this link, and you think you are entitled to a bereavement support payment, then please call us.
The bereavement support payment is equal to 1 month's gross benefit, including holiday pay.
We will inform you of our decision within 4 weeks of receiving the completed form. You will be notified by letter.