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    Applying for voluntary income protection coverage

    You might want to consider applying for voluntary income protection coverage (‘vrijwillige verzekering’) if you are in a situation where you would not have an income in the event of illness, occupational disability (‘arbeidsongeschiktheid’) or unemployment. Income protection coverage ensures you are paid a regular income during challenging times such as these.

    How to apply for voluntary income protection coverage

    To apply, complete the Application form for voluntary income protection coverage. You will need a DigiD account to do this.

    We will confirm that we have received your application within a few days of you submitting the form.

    What you will need

    You will need the following when completing this form:

    • your citizen service number
    • your bank account number

    Please note: If you provide home help (‘dienstverlener aan huis’) or offer housekeeping services for the elderly or people with disabilities (‘alfahulp’), and you work less than 4 days a week, make sure you have the details of the families you work for close to hand. You will need this information when completing the form.

    Authorise someone else to manage your coverage

    If you would like someone else to manage your voluntary income protection coverage, you can authorise them to do this.

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