To extend your employee’s sick pay, complete the Application form for extended sick pay (‘Aanvraag verlenging loondoorbetaling WIA’). Please have the following information at hand:

  • your employee’s citizen service number (‘BSN’)
  • your employee’s personal information
  • your payroll tax number (‘loonheffingennummer’)

You and your employee should fill in the online form together. After you are done, follow these steps:

  • print the form and sign it together
  • scan the form and save it to your computer
  • log onto the employer portal and upload the form

Please note: You cannot extend an employee’s sick pay if they are receiving a sickness benefit (‘Ziektewet-uitkering’).

  • You and your employee should do everything you can to make sure your employee is able to return to work successfully.
  • You will both need to stick to the agreements in the return-to-work plan.
  • You cannot fire your employee during this period.

We will send your employee information about the WIA benefit during this period. You and your employee will have to decide what you want to do once this period of extended sick pay ends.

You will both have to choose between 1 of the following options:

  • extending your employee’s sick pay for another period
  • deciding your employee is able to return to work
  • deciding your employee needs to apply for a WIA benefit

Please note: Your employee must apply for a WIA benefit at least 11 weeks before the extended sick pay ends.

You will receive our decision about your application within 2 weeks of us receiving your form.