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    About adoption or foster care pay

    If your employee adopts or fosters a child, they will be entitled to paid leave. This means they will receive adoption or foster care pay (‘adoptie- of pleegzorguitkering’) during this period. You will have to apply for this benefit on your employee’s behalf.

    How long will your employee receive adoption or foster care pay for?

    Your employee will be entitled to at most 6 weeks’ adoption or foster care pay. 

    They must take this paid leave somewhere between 4 weeks before the child’s arrival and 22 weeks after. If your employee does not want to take their leave in one go, they can spread it out over these 26 weeks. However, they must discuss this with you first. You can only refuse such a request if you have serious business reasons for doing so.

    How much adoption or foster care pay will your employee receive?

    Your employee will receive 100% of their full average daily income while they are on leave. 

    Please note: Your employee’s adoption or foster care pay will not be more than the highest average daily income (‘maximumdagloon’). However, you may supplement this if you wish.

    How is the payment made?

    We will usually transfer the adoption or foster care pay directly to you. This payment will either be made in one go or split into 2 separate payments. In the meantime, you will continue paying your employee’s salary in the same way you always have.

    If you and your employee want the adoption or foster care pay to be transferred to your employee, let us know in your application. If you do this, your employee will receive the payments on a weekly basis.

    If your employee adopts or fosters more than 1 child

    If your employee adopts or fosters 2 or more children at the same time, they will not receive a higher benefit than if they had adopted or fostered 1 child. They will also not be entitled to more leave. 

    But, if your employee adopts or fosters a child now, and then adopts or fosters another child at a later date, they will receive adoption or foster care pay both times. They will also be entitled to 6 weeks’ leave each time.

    If your employee becomes ill

    If your employee falls ill while they are on leave, their adoption or foster care pay will continue as planned. It cannot be put on hold or rescheduled for a later date.

    Changes that must be reported to us

    You or your employee might experience a change in your circumstances while your employee is on leave. Report these changes to us by using the Change of circumstances form if your employee is receiving a sickness benefit or adoption or foster care pay (Doorgeven wijzigingen werknemers met Ziektewet- of WAZO-uitkering’).

    Communication and authorisation

    All communication about the adoption or foster care pay will be sent to your employee. If this information should be sent to you instead, your employee will have to authorise you as the official contact person. 

    Once you have been authorised, use the paper form when applying for adoption or foster care pay. This is important because the authorisation needs to be included with the application and this cannot be done online.

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