Claiming damages
We always do our utmost to ensure our decisions are correct and fair. However, we do not always get things right the first time. If you have experienced financial loss or physical or mental injury due to a mistake on our part, you can claim damages.
What are the criteria?
You will only be able to claim damages if all of the following are true:
- The mistake is our fault, such as a wrong decision or bad advice. Keep in mind we cannot be held responsible for mistakes if you give us inaccurate information or keep information from us.
- The damage or loss you experienced was a direct result of our mistake.
- The damage or loss you faced can clearly be proven with evidence.
How to apply for damages
To claim damages, you will need to write a letter to us. Make sure you include the following in your letter:
- Provide a detailed description of the mistake that was made. For example, attach a copy of your original decision letter and tell us why you disagree with our decision. Or, tell us why the advice we gave you was incorrect.
- Provide evidence of the damage you have suffered (bills, bank statements, medical records, etc.).
After you have written your letter and gathered all the necessary documents, send them to the following address:
Juridisch Kenniscentrum (JKC)
Postbus 58285
1040 HG Amsterdam
We will confirm we have received your claim within 5 days of you submitting it. However, we are not obliged to make a decision on your claim for damages. If we do make a decision, you will be informed of this within 8 weeks of us receiving your claim. If we have not responded within this timeframe, you can ask the Administrative Court to review your claim. If the judge rules in your favour, they will order us to award you compensation.